Here you can find a useful list of the most important deadlines for all the kinds of submission your small business has to do, ordered by date. Tax returns, applications for dispensation etc.: everything is here. Do not hesitate to contact us if you need assistance.
June 19, 2013
monthly returns to be submitted by businesses falling under Construction Industry Scheme (CIS)
payments by CIS businesses if made in a non-electronic form
monthly payment of PAYE/Class 1 NICs if made in a non-electronic form
June 22, 2013
online payments to be made by CIS businesses
monthly payment of PAYE/Class 1 NICs by approved electronic methods
July 5, 2013
end of tax quarter and last date for agreeing your PAYE Settlement Agreement (if any) for tax year ended 5 April 2013.
July 6, 2013
last date for:
• expenses and benefits annual return forms P9D, P11D and P11D(b) to reach HMRC.
• employers to give a copy of forms P9D and P11D to relevant employees.
• form 42 or other related forms (to report share-related benefits provided to employees) to reach HMRC.
July 19, 2013
monthly returns to be submitted by businesses falling under Construction Industry Scheme (CIS)
payments by CIS businesses if made in a non-electronic form
last date for any outstanding Class 1A NICs payments for tax year ended 5 April 2012 if made in a non-electronic form
July 22, 2013
online payments to be made by CIS businesses
last date for any outstanding Class 1A NICs payments for tax year ended 5 April 2012 by approved electronic payment methods
July 31, 2013
deadline for second Self Assessment payment on account for tax year ended 5 April 2013.
Please bear in mind that all costs you pay for the purpose of earning business profits are allowable expenses. Below you can find a list of costs which you can deduct
Accountants, solicitors, surveyors, architects and other professional indemnity insurance premiums.
exclusive of legal costs of buying property and large items of equipment; costs of settling tax disputes and fines for breaking the law
Advertising in newspapers, directories etc. mailshots, free samples, website costs.
exclusive of entertaining clients, suppliers and customers; hospitality at events.
Bank, overdraft and credit card charges; hire purchase interest and leasing payments. Alternative finance payments.
exclusive of repayment of the loans or overdrafts or finance arrangements.
Car and van insurance, repairs, servicing, fuel, parking, hire charges, vehicle licence fees, AA/RAC membership; train, bus, air and taxi fares; hotel room costs and meals on overnight business trips.
exclusive of non-business motoring costs (private use proportions); fines; costs of buying vehicles; travel costs between home and business; other meals.
Phone, mobile, internet, email and fax running costs; postage, stationery, printing and small office equipment costs; computer software.
exclusive of non-business or private use proportion of expenses; new phone, fax, computer hardware or other equipment costs.
Construction industry subcontractors payments (before taking off any tax).
exclusive of payments for non-business work.
Cost of goods bought for resale, cost of raw materials used, direct cost of producing goods.
exclusive of cost of goods or materials bought for private use; depreciation of equipment.
Costs of any business specific insurance policy.
exclusive of recoverable
Interest on bank and other business loans. Alternative finance payments.
exclusive of repayment of the loans or overdrafts, or finance arrangements.
Amounts included in turnover but unpaid and written off because they will not be recovered.
exclusive of debts not included in turnover; debts relating to fixed assets; general bad debts.
Trade or professional journals and subscriptions; other sundry business running expenses not included elsewhere.
exclusive of payments to clubs, charities, political parties etc.; non-business part of any expenses; cost of ordinary clothing.
Rent for business premises, business and water rates, light, heat, power, property insurance, security; use of home as office (business proportion only).
exclusive of costs of any non-business part of premises; costs of buying business premises.
Repairs and maintenance of business premises and equipment; renewals of small tools and items of equipment.
exclusive of repairs of non-business parts of premises or equipment; costs of improving or altering premises and equipment.
Salaries, wages, bonuses, pensions, benefits for staff or employees; agency fees, subcontract labour costs; employers’ NICs etc.
exclusive of own wages and drawings, pension payments or NICs; payments for non-business work.
Expenses and allowances for the self-employed – what you need to know